beaut camp
June 24-August 30, 2024
10 Weeks / 50 Weekdays
A virtual summer program challenging you to write every single weekday.
Three packages available ft. daily prompts + options to meet weekly as a group, receive private feedback from yours truly, and more.
Registration Deadline: *EXTENDED* June 23
Summer is the season for vacation——and being creative should, on some level, feel good. But it is also a time for transformation: What might your writing look like by the end of the summer? What ideas, drafts, approaches, and modes might you store up to sustain you through the rest of the year?
Beaut Camp is an intensive virtual summer program for poets and writers of all levels. Beginning the Monday after the Summer Solstice and ending the TGIF before Labor Day, every weekday morning I will send you a writing prompt——that's fifty prompts and possible pieces of writing total. Prompts will range from imitations to experiments, from the generative to revision stage, and often include one or more examples for inspiration——no theme, chef's choice. Poetry will be our focus but writers of all genres are welcome to join.
Then, I will invite you to play against the dealer: Every day, if you send me what you wrote in response to each prompt by the time the next one goes out, even if it's unfinished or messy, you will receive $1 back——up to $50 total——at the end of the summer.
Finally, if you think you'll need some extra accountability or simply want to hang out, I'm offering additional packages that include weekly check-in meetings, written feedback from me, and a final review to brainstorm what's next for your work.
1. Basique
+ Receive daily prompts in your inbox every weekday morning all summer for a total of fifty prompts!
Tuition: $100
2. Beach House
+ Receive daily prompts in your inbox every weekday morning all summer for a total of fifty prompts!
+ Gather virtually with fellow campers on Monday evenings to check in, share work, review challenges, identify strategies, play games, and hang out. Note: This is not a workshop; though campers are welcome to give feedback in the form of first impressions, on-the-spot reactions, and general questions and encouragement, no written or advance feedback will be offered.
Tuition: $250
3. Freak Sh*t (respectfully)
+ Receive daily prompts in your inbox every weekday morning all summer for a total of fifty prompts!
+ Gather virtually with fellow campers on Monday evenings to check in, share work, review challenges, identify strategies, play games, and hang out. Note: This is not a workshop; though campers are welcome to give feedback in the form of first impressions, on-the-spot reactions, and general questions and encouragement, no written or advance feedback will be offered.
+ Receive written feedback from me on one piece per week.
+ At the end of the camp, we'll meet up privately to talk about what you made and where else you might head with it, such as arrangement, revision, new directions, and/or submission.
Tuition: $400
Try new things, create a habit, loosen up, and have fun.
By committing to writing every day——often in previously unfamiliar and straight-up bizarre ways——you will be forced to abandon any of the usual pressure you put on yourself to create a """good""" first draft.
And by making creative attention a daily practice——one that is endlessly restorative yet remarkably simple once you get the hang of it——you will leave Beaut Camp with the tools you need to get through the colder seasons.
Tuition does not reflect the amount of money you will make back this summer by participating in the daily challenges——as much as $50!
Payment plans are available. Pay in full up front, every month, every week, or whatever works with your budget and jobstyle.
If you want to work with me, I want to work with you. If you can't afford the cost of Beaut Camp tuition, please email me. We'll work something out.
Poetry is play.
Play every day.
Summer is a state of mind.